Wednesday 20 February 2013


Diabetes & Hypertension Help Society. Hypertension also known as high blood pressure is a condition that occurs when the pressure inside your large arteries is too high. It is silent and affects people more as they grow older, although more young people who live under a lot of pressure ( job, relationships, lifestyle, etc) are starting to suffer as well. Where you live and work can also affect you- busy city or in the village? Anger or rage can trigger it. If your parents (either) have high blood pressure, it doesn't mean that you will inherit it as their children. The only way to know if your blood pressure is high or low(or normal) is to check it using a blood pressure monitor. Complications High blood pressure can lead to several complications if untreated like cardiovascular complications e.g strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, heart rhythm irregularities and kidney failure more than in people who have normal blood pressure. It can also cause death. Understanding your blood pressure You may have heard your nurse or doctor say ‘sir (or madam), your blood pressure is 120/80 ‘(120 over 80)’. What does it mean? The first number (systolic) tells you what the blood pressure is when your heart pumps blood-on your heartbeat-and the second number (diastolic) is the blood pressure when your heart rests or relaxes-in between heartbeats. If your blood pressure is consistently 140/90 or above you have hypertension, and the longer your blood pressure stays at this level, the greater is your risk of heart problem. If there is an ideal blood pressure, it would be 120/80 when you are resting. All sufferers from hypertension or diabetes should try to keep their blood pressure at this level. Patient recieving treatment To manage your hypertension * Check your blood pressure regularly. * Exercise 30 minutes every day - 5days per week is a minimum. * Lose excess weight. * Reduce your salt intake because salt contains a lot of sodium which retains water in the body causing your blood pressure to rise. * Increase your potassium and calcium intake. * Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee and any other food or drink which ‘excites your body’. * Try to be calm and relax. Meditation and massages may help. * Never ever smoke. For both diabetes and hypertension, take your medication seriously. Do not interrupt your medication unadvised.

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