Tuesday 24 July 2012



One thing about halitosis is that even your best friend won’t tell you. That’s what they used to say about one of the most personal and often embarrassing problems commonly faced by millions of people. It is true that this can be a delicate subject. This usually referred to as chronic bad breath, and anyone can have it no matter how carefully he or she takes care of their teeth and overall health. What can a person do about halitosis; how can they prevent it or eliminate it? Can that, in fact, be done?

Halitosis.com is designed to provide a resource for all questions about halitosis. It is a place to find answers about halitosis causes, treatments and possible cures. Because attitudes about halitosis tend to be less than serious, it has been difficult in the past to find clear, appropriate and useful information about halitosis. The facts are, however, that although it is rarely caused by or representative of a serious medical condition, it occasionally can be. Whether it turns out that the specifics about halitosis that is affecting you prove to be totally harmless or issues that require medical attention, you certainly have good reason to be well informed about them.

One of the basic things to understand about halitosis is that it is not a uniform, consistent condition. It can vary in several ways including but not limited to intensity, type and the occurrence of associated symptoms. Most people don’t know that about halitosis. Another common misconception about halitosis is that the causes are limited to what you eat and how well you take care of your teeth and gums. That is a potentially dangerous assumption. If you have bad breath, while unpleasant, is always harmless, that may prevent you from seriously examining your own condition and learning more about halitosis. In fact, there are many causes of this problem.

Food and Halitosis

Yes, it can be caused by what you eat; garlic or onions are perfect examples of that. This type of halitosis is called physiological halitosis, meaning that it is caused by chemical processes generated by anaerobic bacteria in the mouth or throat. Some other causes are likewise minor and pose no significant threat to your state of health. However, the more about halitosis you know, the more likely you are to look for a specific cause because some of them are indeed serious and do pose risks to your health. These types of halitosis caused by these factors are called pathological halitosis. Basically, what you need to know about halitosis of this type is that it is systemic in origin and denotes some form of functional disorder or disease.

Halitosis Treatment

Unfortunately, there is not one simple test that can identify all the causes of or provide all of the pertinent information about halitosis of a pathological origin. The causes of the problem can range from dysfunctional conditions of the various organs like the lungs or the kidneys, to dental issues like gum disease, dry socket and others. It can also be a result of nasal and throat conditions like sinusitis to name just one.

If you are affected by this condition, you no doubt want to know as much as possible about halitosis, its causes and treatment options. You take it seriously. So does about Halitosis .com. Our goal is to provide useful and easy to understand information that will help you learn about halitosis and what you can do about it.

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